Monthly Archives: March, 2006

Impromptu Zoo Visit


Linda heard about a “Zoo Garage Sale”, which we (Don. Linda, Alex and Elizabeth) attended. It was interesting, but not really fruitful. I did buy a neat Moose candle thingee.

We then wandered through the zoo a bit, although it was pretty cool and Alex had not brought a coat. This was my first outing with our new Nikon D50 dSLR, and I took a lot of pictures of bears and penguins.

Truck-Stop Breakfast


Last Saturday, the St. Louis MINI Club had a Truck-Stop Breakfast  Run.  About 13 MINI Coopers met up for a 25-mile run through some twisty back roads, ending up at the old Diamonds for breakfast.

Breakfast was good, and the drive was fun, if a bit slower than usual due to the driveway-like road we were on for much of the trip!

Here is a brief photo album of the adventure.

Dog Park


Well, here we are on the way to the dog park about a week ago (Feb. 26th to be exact).

The dogs look anxious.

Here’s a shot I tried to take of Fable standing behind me in the MINI Cooper.:
